January 9, 2025 - Berkeley Lab announces Laboratory Directed Research and Development awards for FY25, including "Advanced Microwave Multiplexing of Transition-Edge Sensors for Millimeter-Wave Cosmology and Low-Mass Dark Matter Experiments" (PI: Groh) and "Enabling Low-Noise Efficient Cryogenic Sensor Processing and Control" (incl. Groh)
June 3, 2024 - The Simons Observatory completes its main construction phase, transitioning to focus on operations. Read more in a press release here
December 7, 2023 - The Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel's decadal survey of high energy physics in the United States recommended CMB-S4 as the highest-priority new project for construction
November 30, 2023 - The CMB-S4 project passes an important review milestone. Read more here
October 26, 2023 - The National Science Foundation announces funding of up to $21.4M to develop the design of CMB-S4. Read more in a press release here
C.E. Sierra et al. "Simons Observatory: Pre-deployment Performance of a Large Aperture Telescope Optics Tube in the 90 and 150 GHz Spectral Bands." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 276, 31 (2025).
B. Besuner et al. "CMB-S4 Systems Engineering." Proceedings of SPIE 13099 871-879 (2024).
N. Galitzki et al. "The Simons Observatory: Design, Integration, and Testing of the Small Aperture Telescopes." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 274, 33 (2024).
J.C. Groh et al. "Crosstalk Effects in Microwave SQUID Multiplexed TES Bolometer Readout." Journal of Low Temperature Physics 216, 225–236 (2024).
D. Dutcher et al. "The Simons Observatory: Large-Scale Characterization of 90/150 GHz TES Detector Modules." Journal of Low Temperature Physics 216, 247-255 (2024).
D. Jones et al. "Qualification of Microwave SQUID Multiplexer Chips for Simons Observatory." Journal of Low Temperature Physics 216, 50-56 (2024).
For pre-2024 publications, I suggest starting with INSPIRE for a (mostly) complete list.