Interested in joining us? There are opportunities for postdoctoral researchers as well as graduate and undergraduate students through visiting scholar programs and due to the proximity to UC Berkeley. Please watch for postdoc opportunities posted on AJO. Undergraduate students should also watch for various opportunities for organized research internships. There are also opportunities for graduate students at other institutions to work at LBNL for 3-12 months as part of a thesis. Please reach out to John Groh if you are interested.
We regularly collaborate locally with scientists in the Berkeley Lab CMB group, through the CMB-S4 Project, and in the Detector R&D Group, the Dark Matter group, the Computational Cosmology Center, the Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics, the UC Berkeley Physics Department, Centre Pierre Binetruy, NERSC, ESnet, the Berkeley Lab Engineering Division, and the Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences Division. We also regularly collaborate externally with research groups at a wide array of universities and labs.
John Groh
Principal Investigator
Staff Scientist, Physics Division
Tran Tsan
Postdoctoral Researcher, Physics Division
Aricia Huo
Undergraduate Student, UC Berkeley Mechanical Engineering
Laney Saye
Undergraduate Student, UC Berkeley Physics